A project, which originally was made to compete in a Polish Olympiad of Technical Innovation and Inventiveness. It was designed in a mobile-first convention, although it works just as well on widescreen. Unfortunately, preview is unavailable at the moment.
Used technologies:- Vue 3
- TypeScript
- anime.js
This website you are browsing right now. It is my first app designed in Framer and written in React. My aim was to make it very informative in the cleanest way possible.
Used technologies:- React
- styled-components
- react-spring
Originally, an app which I created to make my family's genealogy tree. It may not have the prettiest visuals, but it solved my problem just fine. I wanted flexibility and customization - that's exactly what I have achieved. Creating this app was a bit of a challange to me, as I did not write complicated logic too often before. It's currently getting rewritten to SvelteKit & Swift with Vapor.
Used technologies:- Svelte
- LeaderLine
- svelte-persistent-store